Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Preparation to Vietnam..woot woot

Preparation To Vietnam, 

from the first time feels unbelievable 
i"m one of the qualifier for Vietnam trips...almost 3 month in this bizz i cant simply grab the FOC Five start trip...oh oh oh myyyyy.....and yg paling best i bring together my business partner Syida Nie...woot woot.
and first thing need to be check is my passport..CHECKED!

 passport me...i pergi Vietnam..FOC? wahhh mcm tak percaya....

nak tukar duit siap2...nak pakai Dollar...tak mo tebal2...

nak shopping, nak cari T-shirt yg fency2 and sambil menyelam minum air...boleh tgk juga supplier tuk boutique saya...

nak visit tempat yg cantik....

so , now...wanna joint me for FOC travel?

next we go to GUANGZHOU....
the clock is ticking

starting from 

lets grab...
we do it in the right group and right leader...

Hanis Haizi, Nur Faziha, Dura Moktar and Siti kamelia (me)

call me now : 012-3619250